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Samsung Galaxy S10

Ražotājs: OEM Artikuls: 42061
Premium kvalitātes sāniski atverams mobīlā telefona maciņš ar silikona ietvaru un magnētisku fiksācijas sistēmu bez papildus klipša.Smart Magnetic Fix - ir augstas kvalitātes, sāniski atverami maki ar īpaši izturīgu materiālu virspusē, kā arī ērtu silikona ietvaru, kurā iestiprinās telefons. Smart M..
2,58€ 12,90€
Ražotājs: OEM Artikuls: 42060
Premium kvalitātes sāniski atverams mobīlā telefona maciņš ar silikona ietvaru un magnētisku fiksācijas sistēmu bez papildus klipša.Smart Magnetic Fix - ir augstas kvalitātes, sāniski atverami maki ar īpaši izturīgu materiālu virspusē, kā arī ērtu silikona ietvaru, kurā iestiprinās telefons. Smart M..
2,58€ 12,90€
Ražotājs: OEM Artikuls: 39778
5D tempered glass with profiled edges and 9H hardness coating provides complete screen coverage. Effective protection of your smartphone against scratches or damage...
3,78€ 18,90€
Ražotājs: iDeal of Sweden Artikuls: 39228
Midnight Python izsauc eksotisko apdruku un bagātīgo eleganci ar izsmalcinātu ģeometrisku rakstu, kas sakausē pitonu un kroko, radot dominējošu, bet pieklusinātu izskatu. Envelope Clutch ir veidots tā, lai izdalītu elegantu vienkāršību un modernu valdzinājumu. Šis dizains ir vairāk nekā aksesuārs vi..
5,98€ 29,90€
Ražotājs: iDeal of Sweden Artikuls: 39227
STHLM maciņš tika izveidots, domājot par skaisto un moderno Zviedrijas galvaspilsētu, jo vēlējāmies iemūžināt šīs radošās un strauji augošās pilsētas būtību. Ar tīrām līnijām un minimālistisku dizainu, kas ir gan mūsdienīgs, gan mūžīgs, STHLM maciņš atbilst skandināvu dizaina mantojumam, kas tiek iz..
5,98€ 29,90€
Ražotājs: iDeal of Sweden Artikuls: 39226
Papildiniet savu tālruni un piešķiriet tam personisku izskatu, izvēloties jebkuru no mūsu unikālajiem dizainiem. Šie plānie, taču aizsargājošie futlāri nodrošina paaugstinātas malas ap kameru un ekrānu, kā arī gludu mikrošķiedras oderi, lai novērstu skrāpējumus.Stingrs un izturīgs plastmasas v..
5,98€ 29,90€
Ražotājs: iDeal of Sweden Artikuls: 39225
Ar smilšainiem toņiem un metāliskiem akcentiem, virpuļojošais marmora dizains rada dabisko pludmales siltumu un sajūtu. Organisko struktūru kompensē smalki zelta plankumi, kas piešķir kompozīcijai izcilu beigu pieskārienu.Stingrs un izturīgs plastmasas vāciņš ar printētu dizainu. Perfekti pie..
5,98€ 29,90€
Ražotājs: iDeal of Sweden Artikuls: 39224
Šis maciņš ir iedvesmots ar nefrīta akmens, dziļo sūnu zaļajiem toņiem un greznajām zelta un baltā marmora detaļām. Krāsu un asimetriskā raksta kombinācija veido ArtDeco stilu, piešķirot jaunu un modernu izskatu.Stingrs un izturīgs plastmasas vāciņš ar printētu dizainu. Perfekti piegulošs tāl..
5,98€ 29,90€
Ražotājs: iDeal of Sweden Artikuls: 39223
Papildiniet savu tālruni un piešķiriet tam personisku izskatu, izvēloties jebkuru no mūsu unikālajiem dizainiem. Šie plānie, taču aizsargājošie futlāri nodrošina paaugstinātas malas ap kameru un ekrānu, kā arī gludu mikrošķiedras oderi, lai novērstu skrāpējumus. Stingrs un izturīgs plastmasas vāciņ..
5,98€ 29,90€
Ražotājs: OEM Artikuls: 31776
Elegant case with metallic frame for enhanced phone protection. The attractive texture and pleasant to the touch material create a stylish case that emphasizes the modern design of the device.Soft suede material inside and in the holder part makes the device protected from both sides from damage..
2,90€ 14,50€
Ražotājs: 3MK Artikuls: 30798
Record without fear When you buy a new phone, do you also pay most attention to the camera? In the age of excellent smartphone cameras, digital cameras are not used anymore. However, daily use may affect the phone lenses, so protect it with Lens Protection™ Hybrid Glass.Impact-resistant You ca..
1,18€ 5,90€
Ražotājs: NXE Artikuls: 28935
Designed to stand out, this NXE hybrid case will certainly attract people's attention. It is made of flexible TPU and tough PC, with camouflage pattern on the back, creating a dual-guard to well protect your phone while adding a more fashionable look. Tough PC + soft TPU = dual layer protection ..
2,58€ 12,90€
Ražotājs: OEM Artikuls: 27560
The Matt case is made of matt TPU material. It perfectly adheres to the phone and is nice in touch. The case has all necessary cutouts - thanks to this, it does not restrict access to the basic functions of the device. It does not thicken the phone while protecting it from scratches. The matt surfac..
1,90€ 9,50€
Ražotājs: OEM Artikuls: 27074
The OEM Silicon case is an ideal product for lovers of the classics. High-quality silicone combined with an inner microfiber liner ensure protection of the phone at the highest level. Matte, rubberised coating protects against accidental slipping of the device from the hand, so that the use of the p..
2,50€ 12,50€
Ražotājs: OEM Artikuls: 27067
The OEM Silicon case is an ideal product for lovers of the classics. High-quality silicone combined with an inner microfiber liner ensure protection of the phone at the highest level. Matte, rubberised coating protects against accidental slipping of the device from the hand, so that the use of the p..
2,50€ 12,50€
Ražotājs: Mr. Monkey Artikuls: 26164
Flexible tempered glass with increased 9H durability. Thanks to the whole glue surface, adheres well to the lens, protecting it from scratches. The unique combination of tempered glass with a thickness of 0.15 mm and PET film makes the glass is practically imperceptible and invisible. Excellent adh..
1,38€ 6,90€
Ražotājs: RoarKorea Artikuls: 26137
The Roar Carbon is an elegant and stylish case that provides complete protection of the device in difficult conditions. The carbon fiber pattern makes the product unique and causes that it stands out among other holsters.The Roar Carbon case was made of shockproof strong rubber, which perfectly ..
2,50€ 12,50€
Ražotājs: OEM Artikuls: 25692
Tempered glass with a high hardness of 9H perfectly protects the camera lens. It ensures image clarity, does not affect the quality of photos taken, and at the same time perfectly protects the lens. The glass is thin and durable, and its thickness is only 0.3 mm. The adhesive over the entire surface..
0,78€ 3,90€
Ražotājs: Mr. Monkey Artikuls: 25429
Mr. Monkey is a very high-quality tempered glass having glue on the entire surface and on the curved edges. The attached frame makes it easy to install the glass.The Japanese TOYO glue strongly binds the display screen with glass. Thanks to this it is perfectly matched and perfectly protec..
5,78€ 28,90€
Ražotājs: OEM Artikuls: 25035
The OEM Silicon case is an ideal product for lovers of the classics. High-quality silicone combined with an inner microfiber liner ensure protection of the phone at the highest level. Matte, rubberised coating protects against accidental slipping of the device from the hand, so that the use of the p..
2,50€ 12,50€
Ražotājs: OEM Artikuls: 25034
The OEM Silicon case is an ideal product for lovers of the classics. High-quality silicone combined with an inner microfiber liner ensure protection of the phone at the highest level. Matte, rubberised coating protects against accidental slipping of the device from the hand, so that the use of the p..
2,50€ 12,50€
Ražotājs: OEM Artikuls: 25033
The OEM Silicon case is an ideal product for lovers of the classics. High-quality silicone combined with an inner microfiber liner ensure protection of the phone at the highest level. Matte, rubberised coating protects against accidental slipping of the device from the hand, so that the use of the p..
2,50€ 12,50€
Ražotājs: OEM Artikuls: 25032
The OEM Silicon case is an ideal product for lovers of the classics. High-quality silicone combined with an inner microfiber liner ensure protection of the phone at the highest level. Matte, rubberised coating protects against accidental slipping of the device from the hand, so that the use of the p..
2,50€ 12,50€
Ražotājs: OEM Artikuls: 25031
The OEM Silicon case is an ideal product for lovers of the classics. High-quality silicone combined with an inner microfiber liner ensure protection of the phone at the highest level. Matte, rubberised coating protects against accidental slipping of the device from the hand, so that the use of the p..
2,50€ 12,50€
Rāda no 1 līdz 25 kopā 70 (Kopā lapu - 3)
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